Your digital presence package is more important than ever

By: Lauren Fiedler, Account Director

Whether you had a digital strategy before COVID-19 or not, now is the time to refresh your thoughts on being online. With a slow rollout of opening brick and mortar locations, people slowly going physically back to offices, and an overall change to the ‘normal,’ there are a few things you should review to make sure your digital presence is up to par.  


When is the last time you really took a look at your website? Is it usable to the outside world? Many companies suffer from thinking their website is great because their internal team thinks so, but have never done external testing to make sure the external users feel the same way. With the shift to a more digital world, your website is one of the most important elements of your brand and you should invest in it. For a free look into how your website is currently being used, you can install a free version of HotJar. This will provide you with insights on user paths and where users tend to bounce off your website.


Whether you are a small mom and pop or a massive organization, nowadays people look for your brand personality through your social media platforms. What is your social saying about you? First, you should review each social platform you have a presence on and decide if there are any accounts you should close. If you don’t have the staff to keep up with all of the platforms, it is better to focus on two main ones than to have multiple accounts that are stagnant. Next, make sure that the platforms you have prioritized are being posted on at a constant rate and at a relevant rate depending on the platform’s algorithm. Organic posts' engagement rates have become much more important to multiple platforms algorithms. How do you increase engagement of organic content? Make sure you are posting the right types of content. What works for your audience? What do they respond best to?


Even if you’ve never placed paid digital content before, you should think about it to feature your upcoming online event, product launch, or service offering. Even small budgets can lead to a good return on investment if used in the right way. What is ‘used in the right way’? Making sure the creative makes sense to the audience, target properly, and constantly optimize. During the quarantine period, some of our clients saw some of the highest-paid digital engagement rates, and it is expected to stay high due to the number of consumers still practicing social distancing. 


You should always have goals and measurements for each of your digital elements. They should at least be set up to be checked every six months so that you can review and make changes as needed. Ideally, a monthly check-in on your digital presence should be set up. Bohlsen Group offers a variety of digital measurement tools and provides insight into what the data is saying. 

Need more insight or strategy for any of the above? Reach out to us, we can help.


Measurement in Earned Media