Happiness: How one podcast continues to broaden my understanding of the topic

By Alyssa Ross, Media and Communications Coordinator

A few months ago, I was introduced to the podcast “The Happiness Lab” by Dr. Laurie Santos, who along with being a podcaster, is also an author, researcher and professor of Psychology at Yale University. Dr. Santos has spent the majority of her career researching people, assessing how they function and their many ways of thinking. She even went as far as creating and teaching a class on the subject of happiness to Yale University students after recognizing the decline in mental health and well-being among members of the younger generation. It’s no secret that we could all use a bit more happiness in our lives, and Dr. Santos took this opportunity to bring her expertise to a much larger audience, launching a podcast on the subject in 2019. At its core, The Happiness Lab tackles the different aspects of life that 𑁋 to a certain extent 𑁋 impact our outlook, day-to-day emotions and more specifically, our general levels of happiness. Relying on the latest scientific research and expert perspectives, Dr. Santos shares stories and tips for how we can move past our old ways, overcome negative emotions, combat burnout, and, just maybe, find greater happiness in life. 

Since happiness is defined in such a personal and individual way, we will not all achieve it in the same manner; however, that hasn’t stopped people around the world from embarking on this journey together. In fact, we have an International Day of Happiness every March that is dedicated toward unifying and promoting actions that can bring on positive change in our lives. The biggest obstacle is figuring out where to begin and what will actually make a difference. For me, Dr. Santos’ podcast covers such relatable topics that once I started one episode, I couldn’t stop there. After spending many hours listening to dozens of episodes, I’ve outlined my top three favorite topics discussed and why you should check them out. 

How to Kick Bad Habits (and Start Good Ones)

In this episode, Dr. Santos debunks the belief that the answer to kicking bad habits is through willpower. Instead, it is much more focused on creating the right environment around you that supports and helps you to repeat your desired behavior change. With the help of a former army physician, Dr. Santos presents the unique example of how Vietnam soldiers were able to overcome their heroin addiction after returning from war. While many of us will never be in the same shoes as these soldiers, their steps and stories can be applied to many of the daily habits that we might be looking to change such as our time management, meal choices, sleep schedule, and so much more. 

Fighting that “Meh” Feeling of Languishing

Prior to listening to this episode, I did not know that there was a word out there that embodied that lackluster or “Meh” feeling that many of us have experienced at some point in our lives. If you have found yourself in a sort of limbo 𑁋 you feel like you’re lacking happiness but not necessarily in the midst of sadness 𑁋 you very well may be languishing. Adam Grant, a writer and psychologist, joins Dr. Santos on this episode to discuss identifying and combating feelings of languishing. This segment does an outstanding job of pointing out examples of languishing as it relates to the headspace that many of us were in during the beginning months of the pandemic. As you listen to this segment, you will likely relate to one or more of Adam’s examples and will walk away with new insights on how to combat this feeling in order to refocus on your work and priorities. 

Why Nostalgia Ain’t So Rosy

Do you consistently feel nostalgic for the cross-country road trip you took a few years ago or the friendships/memories you made back in college? If so, you might be holding yourself back from better experiences in the future by glorifying a highlight reel of experiences from the past that your mind has created. Your memory likely edited out the negative experiences like that flat tire you got at 2 a.m. or the overbearing stress that you experienced throughout your time in school. This episode helps you to identify where nostalgia might be the very downfall to your happiness. Also, if you’re a fan of Rob Lowe, you will want to tune in to this segment as he joins Dr. Santos to discuss the downside of nostalgia as it relates to his career and lifestyle in the 1980’s.


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