An Eggs-ercise In Creativity

By: Paige Whitaker, Art Director

Sometimes you fall into a creative rut. What should this headline say? What should our brand’s next social media post be? What am I going to eat for dinner that’s not from a bag labeled “Chicken Nuggets” in the freezer section? I have, in fact, been in a creative rut the entire time I’ve been writing this article. It happens to the best of us. Thankfully, there are ways to get out of that funk, and I, Paige Whitaker, am here to show you a little exercise in creativity unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. (That was a strong sell, but it’s not that deep).

In college, I took a class called Seeing Sideways. The whole point of the class was expanding creativity and thinking weirdly (we once explored the building on rolling chairs and got some strange looks from passersby). We were told by the professor at the beginning of the semester that no matter what, we would all receive A’s, because how can you truly judge creativity? What is creative to someone who is an accountant is going to be different from someone who is a zoo keeper, so who are we to judge? It’s all relative. 

Our first class assignment is what I am going to suggest as a creative exercise if you’re feeling like the best caption you can come up with for your instagram photo is an emoji. 

Here’s what you need: an egg. 

That’s it. 

Now, do something "creative" with the egg. 
That’s also it. 

It can be anything you want. If you want to revert back to your home economics class days and raise the egg as your child, cool. If you want to blast some music and throw the egg at a tree, go for it.

You could pick your current interest and work the egg into it. I was starting to get into photography during my college days, so I drew a face on the egg and took cliché senior pictures of it. Railroad tracks egg, the brick wall egg, sporty egg, egg with the car, egg with the cap and gown…

Just do something with an egg! And I’m not gonna say what you did wasn’t creative enough. Because if you think it was, it was. That’s how creativity works. Get weird. Or not weird. It’s your egg.


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