Why Right Now is the Time to Partner with an Agency

By: Lauren Fiedler, Account Director

You’ve had to make tough decisions. Maybe it was who on your staff you could furlough and still survive or how you’re going to keep up with your social media platforms without your coordinator.

So why is now a good time to partner with an agency? An agency can act as that flexible support role that you need in a time of uncertainty, an extension of your internal team. Need a social media coordinator? An agency can do that. Need a flyer developed? An agency can do that. Need a team to help generate new ideas or just be a sounding board? An agency can do that.

Let’s be transparent. We are all going through this situation together, and agencies are feeling the pinch just as other industries are. The great part about enlisting the services of an agency is their chameleon like abilities to fit where they are needed. You’re probably thinking… but I can’t afford an agency… you can.

Try an agency out by doing a one-off project. It could even be something where the agency gives you the tools to execute on your own. Here are five examples of projects that might be helpful in today’s climate.

  1. Paid Digital Campaign: more than ever investing in paid digital is a great way to drive traffic to your organization’s website or event page and garner interest. An agency can plan, implement, and optimize to your goals and measure the results. This is a quick return on investment.

  2. Updated Branding: maybe your brand needs a refresh based on the new political and social climate. This could include an updated logo, tagline, brand messaging and brand statements. An agency can take a look from the outside, do the research, and deliver a full package to take your brand to the next level.

  3. Social Media Plan and Assets: with all people becoming more dependent on the internet versus face-to-face interactions, a great place to communicate with your publics is through your social mediums. An agency can audit your current social platforms and provide strategic insights and creative assets to move forward with.

  4. Earned Media: getting the proper message to the media can be a great way to reach a broader audience. An agency can craft the message, use their media relationships to create interest in coverage, secure coverage, and measure the effectiveness of that coverage towards your organization’s goals.

  5. Non-traditional thinking: this deliverable is more abstract, but the world has changed, and your previous tactics might not be as relevant as they have in the past. Use an agency to help brainstorm and come up with a way to operate in this new world. An agency can provide a plan forward that your organization can execute on your own or with the help of the agency.

Interested in what an agency partnership can provide you? Reach out. The worst that can happen is we have a great conversation over Zoom and both make a great new connection.


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