How Volunteering Creates A Twofold Benefit

By Vicki Bohlsen

Many of Bohlsen Group’s clients are nonprofits, and we see the impact volunteerism has on their organizations. But, have you ever thought that volunteering can impact the individual just as much as the organization? Volunteering is not only good for the community you’re helping - it’s also good for yourself. 

The options of volunteer opportunities are endless- from finding an organization where you can pursue your interests to filling a need, everyone can find something where they can give their time, talent and treasures. I encourage Bohlsen Group employees to dedicate a few hours each month volunteering at an organization that resonates with them. Giving back is something we prioritize- and here’s why. 

Health Boosts

Volunteering is an opportunity to take a step away from the busyness of life to counteract the effects of stress, anger and anxiety. Assisting others has the potential to impact your physical and mental health, as well as your overall well-being. For instance, volunteering with animals can give you a health boost, as the interaction has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol, lower blood pressure, reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support and boost your mood, according to News In Health.  

The simple act of giving to others tends to make individuals happier. The Mayo Clinic has even said that volunteering increases positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine and allowing individuals to feel a sense of meaning and appreciation, resulting in a reduction of stress. 

Teaches Valuable Skills 

Volunteering is an excellent way to increase workplace skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, task management and more. It’s also a great opportunity to find a new passion, even if you have never been involved with the specific mission before. The noteworthy aspect of volunteering is that the only requirements you need to complete the job are passion and enthusiasm. Everything else is a skill you can learn through your experience, which you can then transfer over to other areas of your life. 


There is no doubt that through volunteering, you will meet new people and make long-lasting connections. Volunteering allows individuals who are passionate about improving their community to meet other people with the same mindset, engage with nonprofit workers and possibly even the people who are in need themselves. 

You will be connected with people who have the same values and goals as you, a connection I have seen firsthand develop for members of my own team. I encourage Bohlsen Group employees to volunteer to give back to the community, but also to make these connections with individuals within their community. It’s a great opportunity to expand horizons and meet new people at all different stages in life.

It’s Fun! 

Volunteering is a fun way to strengthen bonds. As a company, Bohlsen Group tries to volunteer together four times a year, give or take. It’s a great way for us to escape our day-to-day routine at the office while still making a commitment to the Indianapolis community. 

There’s a lot of freedom when it comes to volunteering, which makes it an activity you can do because you want to. If you choose an opportunity that you are passionate about, it can act as a hobby in your everyday life. Everybody likes to feel like they have a choice behind their actions, so by selecting a volunteer position that resonates with you, it is bound to be something you look forward to! 


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